Miah Abdulla Mamun (Chairman)
The tourism industry is considered as one of the largest and the most divers industries in the world. It has been drawing attention as a modern service industry and the device to create connectivity among nations and various people across the world. This industry has the most potential in the world. Every 1 in 10 jobs; generating 10% of global GDP and 9% of the world’s jobs are part of this industry. Currently jobs will be created in Bangladesh in this field. The estimated statistics indicate that there are many possibilities and potentials existing in our country. Unfortunately, due to the lack o strategic attention, tourism industry has not shown considerable.
Through ‘Zaara Tourism & Travels’ we are committed to provide related customer services in 100% satisfaction with a motto of hassle-free travel. We do for the clients in an end to end solution.
Keeping all sorts of services in a positive views & attitude in mind ‘Zaara Tourism & Travels’ will play a significant role in travel arena through services our customer friendly environment show room and Banani.